Monday, April 6, 2015

Childrens Ministries in the Assembly of God Denomination

Working with both the Rainbows and the Mpact Girls, I've learned a few things about the basis behind their existence. For one, I never knew the Rainbows, the Mpact Girls , and the Royal Rangers all have to do with missions, whether its raising money or discipling others. I just learned this, recently.

Royal Rangers is a program in charge of preparing young men to become closer to God and to empower them to be all that they can be. Boys can join the Royal Rangers when they enter Kindergarten and can continue earning badges until graduating the 12th grade. Their motto is: "Ready: Ready for anything! Ready to work, play, serve, worship, live, and obey God's Word". To learn more about Royal Rangers and everything they are about, click here.

Mpact Girls is a program training girls to make wise, proper and god-pleasing decisions. Mpact Girls was formal called Missionettes but has since changed. From grades K-12, girls are taught the values of a Christ-like character, teamwork, a servant ministry, and the Holy Spirits guidance. Mpact leaders goal is to empower girls to see God in their lives and all he is doing around them. Their tagline (motto) is: "her heart... her world... His purpose".  For more info on their goals and their vision, click here.

Rainbows is for Preschool age children, ages 3 and up, with stories and crafts based on Noah's Ark. In Rainbows, both Boys and girls alike learn how to be pleasing to God and how to be good helpers to others. Their motto is "Rainbows are helpers".  Click here to learn more about Rainbows.

I first start working with Rainbows, only a year ago. And being with the Rainbows, I've seen how sweet kids truly can be. They enjoy their lessons and crafts. They also share like they are suppose to, even though sometimes they don't really feel like it. Each Wednesday is filled with stories of each child's week, they've been so excited to tell.

Around the time I started helping with the Rainbows, I also began helping with the Mpact Girls as well. I first went to Girl's Camp with them and I couldn't believe how much fun they were to be around. When Chapel came, I seen a total different side of those girls. Each girl had went to the alter with their own problems and situations. But in the end, they were praying for girls they had never met before.

I've yet to help with Royal Rangers but I've seen a definite change in my brothers. They have started reading their Bibles more and are excited to go every Wednesday. They loved when they were learning how to pitch tents and how to catch fish.

I wanted to share these ministries with others because I'm not sure many people know about them unless they are involved with or attend an Assembly of God church. I grew up in this denomination so it's not that new to me. But working with these children, I believe is helping to mold me into the woman God intends for me to be. Watching these children honestly and wholeheartedly turn their lives over to God at such a young age can change anyone's perspective. Working with them and being involved in their lives convinces me more and more everyday that this is what I was chosen to do. I plan on working with children and doing missionary work some day and knowing that these children can hand themselves over to God to be molded and shaped according to His will is a life changer for me and it should be for all people.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Be Ready, He's coming soon!

 What really bothers me about The Rapture and The Anti-Christ, is are we even ready for Christ's Second Coming? Most say yes 'cause look at the world, we're living in. But seriously are we ready? We can't compare today's life to the Tribulation, the Rapture, or Armageddon. We may think that the current president is the Anti-Christ or Predecessor,but we truly don't know. Life now days is so busy and corrupt with sin, immorality, & filth, that if He were to come back today, we would never notice. Yes, I can't wait till Jesus comes so that I can see Him & run to Him for an embrace. But I know, I'm not ready and I'm certain many others can agree they aren't ready either. My reasoning behind not being ready would be due to the fact that I know many people who should know God before the Tribulation occurs. They know what they are doing but refuse to ask God for his help. So I find myself constantly angry with them, with my only option being, to pray for them.

 So why do we worry about who the Anti-Christ is? 2 Peter 3:14 says,"So dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make an effort to be found spotless, blameless, and at peace with Him." How can we be found spotless, if we are to busy dabbling in the world instead of trying to be more like Jesus? Being Christ-like, is hard, especially with the world in it's current state. The common focus for today's christian is to not fall into Satan's traps or other worldly motivations. When people upset us with their actions or words, we should be sure to not cause ourselves to have to repent. They already have to answer for their actions, why should you have to cause yourself to have to do so as well? We should avoid things that would lead us away from being with Christ in heaven or lead us away from ultimately being more Christlike. If that isn't enough motivation, I don't know what is. Why would you want to miss out on the beautiful place that is heaven, or the chance to finally see our amazing Father?

 Although it would be some what interesting to know who the Anti-Christ is or will be, being too focused on that, can lead us astray. And trust me, I've found myself constantly comparing the outside world to the Book of Revelation and the Book of Daniel. It can get you pretty spooked if you read to closely into it and find even one similarity. As you go on from day to day, focus only on how you can be Christ-like and pleasing to our Father. Because He loves us so much and He isn't the least bit okay with us falling away. And even though you see worldly things, that spark your interest, look to the things God has done all around you. What wonderful love he has for us!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Importance of Interpreting Scripture Correctly

Scripture is sometimes hard to understand, and if not understood correctly, it could leave a person never knowing the full truth. God's Word isn't something to be taken lightly, so when interpreting it, one should be careful to find the Author's true meaning.

 For example, a preacher I heard a while ago, said "Once you are saved, you will always be saved." He took scripture and twisted it to mean something he wished for it to mean. But his congregation wasn't aware of what had happened. So they felt that when, they did wrong, when they stole, cheated, or lied, they'd say it's fine, because I'm saved. This is such a gross misinterpretation of scripture, in my opinion.

 With that preacher saying that one thing, he left the people whom look to him for guidance in the dark. They were left not knowing they must work at doing good and following God's will for their lives. They still just do bad things and figuratively put a sticker on their forehead saying I'm saved, so I'm safe.

 When interperting scripture we must be very careful, so that others and ourselves aren't misled. Because this misleading could lead to our undoing. John Wesley provided a new unique way of looking at this concept.

 "I was saved, I am being saved, and I will be saved."

I was saved means at sometimes a person is forgiven of his or hers sins and began following God.

I am being saved says that, we are working daily to be like Christ. And perfecting our lives as we follow God.

I will be saved, is when we will finally meet God and we will no longer struggle in this world. And we will be forever saved, with God in heaven.

 Therefore, One should pay close attention when interpreting scripture, otherwise, it could cause the down fall of many and leave many never knowing the truth. Our jobs as ministers or anyone involved in ministry is to adequately prepare others to receive Christ as well as live for Him. Our job is to not let them learn for themselves at first. They have to be taught the right way and in a sense the right direction. They also need to know that they are to study what their Pastor says to them on their own, so that they know without a doubt that it is being interpreted correctly and they aren't just taking his word for it.