Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Importance of Interpreting Scripture Correctly

Scripture is sometimes hard to understand, and if not understood correctly, it could leave a person never knowing the full truth. God's Word isn't something to be taken lightly, so when interpreting it, one should be careful to find the Author's true meaning.

 For example, a preacher I heard a while ago, said "Once you are saved, you will always be saved." He took scripture and twisted it to mean something he wished for it to mean. But his congregation wasn't aware of what had happened. So they felt that when, they did wrong, when they stole, cheated, or lied, they'd say it's fine, because I'm saved. This is such a gross misinterpretation of scripture, in my opinion.

 With that preacher saying that one thing, he left the people whom look to him for guidance in the dark. They were left not knowing they must work at doing good and following God's will for their lives. They still just do bad things and figuratively put a sticker on their forehead saying I'm saved, so I'm safe.

 When interperting scripture we must be very careful, so that others and ourselves aren't misled. Because this misleading could lead to our undoing. John Wesley provided a new unique way of looking at this concept.

 "I was saved, I am being saved, and I will be saved."

I was saved means at sometimes a person is forgiven of his or hers sins and began following God.

I am being saved says that, we are working daily to be like Christ. And perfecting our lives as we follow God.

I will be saved, is when we will finally meet God and we will no longer struggle in this world. And we will be forever saved, with God in heaven.

 Therefore, One should pay close attention when interpreting scripture, otherwise, it could cause the down fall of many and leave many never knowing the truth. Our jobs as ministers or anyone involved in ministry is to adequately prepare others to receive Christ as well as live for Him. Our job is to not let them learn for themselves at first. They have to be taught the right way and in a sense the right direction. They also need to know that they are to study what their Pastor says to them on their own, so that they know without a doubt that it is being interpreted correctly and they aren't just taking his word for it.

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